Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Paper and Ribbons and Jars - Oh My!

I had a lot of fun decorating my apartment for Spring, so I'll share my photos of it with you.  :)

Since I had hardly any counter space, this was my coffee table.

This was my goody basket, which had been a plain straw basket.  I glued ribbons to its exterior, painted the top edges white, and glued a happy butterfly to the side.  :)

The next 3 images I found on Pinterest here:  

For the image above, I colored in some lettering with markers, and then I cut up some polka dotted paper into various shapes to frame it within the frame.  The faux Scrabble letters spell "Coffee for us", in case you're not familiar with German.  :-P

For these 2 frames, I again colored with markers.  I took apart a photo frame, taped the above image to orange paper, taped that onto the the standing part of the frame, and...

...then used the actual frame for the next image.  I used more twine to hang it on my wall and then tied some bows in the corner.  Easy peasy.

For the former apple sauce jar in the background, I inserted scrap paper and decorated the outside with twine.
For the former salsa jar in front, I taped ribbon and scrap paper to the outside.  I had the tea light candle propped on by a plastic spool on its side, and the glitter ribbon that had been on the spool was surrounding the tea light.

This was my bookshelf in my living room.

I cut paper doilies in half and used them for visual interest on the edge of my shelf.

Left:  I glued lace to a jar.                                      
Middle:  Candy jar filled with pretzels and trail mix
Right:  I wrapped ribbon and twine around a jar.

This was on the other side of my living room.

I had made 2 types of friendship notes for my friends - die-cut messages (floral papers) or little notes that I stuck in flowers made of toilet paper tubes.

Finally, one more jar wrapped up in scrapbook paper and twine. 

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