Tuesday, August 20, 2013

DIY Jewelry Displays

Last year, when I taught at a missionary school, I had an extremely limited income.  I lived overseas and wasn't able to bring my jewelry boxes with me, and I didn't know how to organize my jewelry.

Another teacher had 2 perfectly fine photo frames to get rid of, so I took them, hoping I could do something great and useful with them.

Here's a photo of the white frame and how I created a jewelry display out of it:

It was super easy to make and only required twine and thumbtacks!

I measured the length of the frame and cut the twine a few inches longer than that, because I ended up having to make a few knots at either end of the pieces of twine so that the thumbtacks would hold the twine in the frame. 
Make sure you pull it taut, because if you don't, the jewelry will cause the twine to sag and, eventually, collapse.

Here are the 2 frames I rescued.  (I didn't have a surefire way to organize the jewelry draping on the corners of the frames, but this was good enough for me.)
I love giving trash a second chance at life!  :)

What are YOUR ideas for thrifty jewelry displays?

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